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Nieuwe koers!

Fotografie is mijn nieuwe koers!
Website: madebyluth-fotografie.nl

Beside fine-art photography, where I can create my own magical silent, dreamy world, I also enjoy travelling for shooting documentary series. I love to step in another, for me unknown, world and capture a dreamy atmosphere. Frequently I take part in exhibitions to show my photos. I like to leave the viewer with a sense of astonishment and lead them into my dreamworld, that’s my intention. Please feel free to contact me so we can collaborate on a nice project!

Artist Statement:
Websites/Social Media:
madebyluth-fotografie.nl | www.madebyluth-photography.com

My photography in words:
Inner world | Estrangement | Colourful | Poetical | Dreamy | Landscape | Wonder | Escape | Melancholy | Free spirit | Exploring | Silence | Love | Nature | Human

Fine-Art photography
Documentary photography
Illustrative photography

© Made by Luth
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